What are the recordings useful for? When there are claims The truth is that while things are the contracted service or product without problems, the recordings are merely the necessary testimony of the contract. But there can also be problems and, of course, in those moments you enter the dynamic of who is right? Again, if the company does not want to have problems, it must ensure that the telephone system it uses is reliable and with true next-generation tools. And not only because it is capable of recording every call that arrives, but also because.
It needs other elements to react quickly to problems, such as the transcription of calls. Currently, virtual switchboards such as Zadarma's already include a voice recognition mobile number list system that allows word-by-word transcription of calls into plain text. This allows us to provide, in any case of conflict, proof that we can send electronically to the user or to a consumer authority in the event of a possible complaint. In addition, having calls encoded in text gives other capabilities: agility and flexibility. It is possible to have all these communications stored in a database and perform queries to locate a document or part of it, with a simple word search.
This tremendously shortens time and makes work easier since you don't have to listen to hours and hours of talk every time you have to review a contract or there is a claim.How to organize and improve teleworking for a company 9.11.2020 SME teleworking system Due to the suddenness of the situation with the COVID19 pandemic, many companies had to make the jump to teleworking in a hasty and instantaneous way. Many have adapted as they could to people working from home but, really, they have not managed to function in the same way as when they were in the office to which they have been returning intermittently in recent months.