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Einstein and White Mans Disease


Updated: Oct 19, 2021

Albert Einstein was a genius beyond any measure. We have all heard of his great Theory E=MC2 and his invaluable work in Physics, Space, and Time. There is also a side to Einstein many may not know, however. He had great insight into human and social behavior. He was Jewish and oppressed by antisemitism, racism, and bigotry.

Now it may seem absurd to believe that a man, perhaps the most able minded genius to walk upright could be treated in this way but he was. In fact, he had to leave his home for fear of persecution and retribution that put his very life in danger.

He had a great insight into oppressive human behavior that even today has not been recognized for its full potential. He called this behavior a disease. He called racism in America the White Mans Disease. A disease he explained quite rightly as a harmful deviation from normal function. Racism, he thought, can be caught, accepted, and passed on to others just like any other disease and, as he experienced first-hand, it can be present and yet remain asymptomatic until acted upon later with disastrous effect.

Those who are blatant about displaying WMD are not those who are the most dangerous. The most dangerous are the dormant and the indistinguishable, who often hide their disease to attain positions of power and trust and implement their hatred and bias when they can produce the greatest damage while hiding behind a mask of secrecy and anonymity.

There is no test for WMD but there are cures. Time is one but like Einstein often said of time, the past, the present, and the future are in fact an entire dimension unto itself where all can and are occurring simultaneously so even if we wait there is no guarantee the future will be better than the present or the past.

We must, of course, continually fall back upon the undeniably great Albert Einstein as a champion of this cause. He knew, better than most, the dangers of generational dissemination of the White Mans Disease and the unwillingness of the people of his time to confront it. They failed to understand him and take him seriously in their time, please let us not fail him once again in our time.

Christopher Brant

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